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Business Operations
Zimbabwe holds the world’s second largest chrome ore resources at 12%, second only to South Africa with 72%. Global Resources are estimated in excess of 12 billion metric tonnes.
(Source: Roskill: Chromium Global Industry Markets and Outlook to 2018, 14th Edition)
Mining Operations
Zimasco, in addition to operating its own mines, outsources its mining operations to numerous small-medium scale miners and contractors (largely independent indigenous players) – thereby contributing to local empowerment. The Great Dyke chromite seam deposits span the entire dyke. The Zimasco geologists have further divided the Great Dyke, for ore reserves and geological monitoring purposes, into the North, Middle and South Dyke regions.Shurugwi & South Dyke
Shurugwi and South Dyke Division is responsible for Ore Supply mainly from Shurugwi, Lalapanzi area, Guinea Fowl ( Valley Mine)and South of Shurugwi. Ore bodies around Shurugwi and Guinea Fowl(Valley Mine) are podiform whilst Lalapanzi and South of Shurugwi are predominantly in Seam form.Middle & North Dyke (Mutorashanga)
The division covers the northern 300 km stretch of the Great Dyke, from Sebakwe Dam to the Snake Head. Mining in the Middle Dyke is mainly in Ngezi and Darwendale areas where there is a combination of surface strip mining operations and underground operations. In the North Dyke section, all mining is from underground, utilizing a combination of mechanised operations and non-mechanised operations.Zimasco’s ferrochrome smelting operations are situated at Kwekwe. The smelter produces a high carbon ferrochrome product and has an annual production capacity of 180 000 tonnes. The smelting complex has five, 18 MVA submerged electric arc furnaces
Zimasco’s Ferrochrome is transported by rail to the port of Maputo in Mozambique. From the Kwekwe Smelter, material is loaded onto National Railways of Zimbabwe (NRZ) wagons and pulled through to Chicualacuala, Zimbabwe’s border with Mozambique. At Chicualacuala, the Mozambican Railways, CFM takes over and pulls the wagons through to Maputo from where it is shipped to various markets.
As a long term supplier into global ferrochrome markets for over 35 years, Zimasco has developed relationships with long-standing customers in Europe, the Far East and North America. In addition to maintaining its traditional customers, Zimasco keeps an eye on global trends in stainless steel markets and actively pursues new customers for our high quality product.
Shangani Energy Exploration (Pvt) Ltd is the company through which Zimasco holds its CBM assets. The special grants for the exploration and development of Coal Bed Methane are situated in the Matabeleland North area of Zimbabwe.
Safety, Heath and Environment (SHE)
The long-term viability of our chrome mining and smelting business as well as sustainable value creation depends on continuous improvement in the company’s Safety, Health & Environmental Management Programmes. It is Zimasco’s goal to be a good neighbour, concerned with the safety and health of our workers, welfare of the community and responsible management of the environment.
Our SHE Management strategy includes, but is not limited to the following
Safety, Health & Environmental Management issues form part of any value creation decisions made by the business. Establishing management systems to assess, monitor and control Safety, Health and Environmental risks associated with company operations. Compliance with relevant legal, internal standards and international bodies that are concerned with matters of Safety, Health and Environment Management systems.
Participation in national bodies that are concerned with matters of SHE. Educate, train and make improvements in all SHE management programs
The ultimate accountability for Safety, Health and Environment rests with the Chief Executive Officer. This accountability is delegated to all levels of Management. Compliance with this policy is mandatory for all employees.
Product Quality Policy & Philosophy
Product quality is a matter of pride for Zimasco. The company’s Quality Management System has been ISO certified since 1992 through Lloyds Register Quality Assurance (LRQA – 1992 to 2006) and subsequently through South African Bureau of Standards (SABS) – 2006 to date The company is certified under ISO 9001:2015. Implementation of the quality management system has enabled fulfillment of both organizational values and customer requirements which ensures that customers, both internal and external, are provided with consistent, quality high carbon ferrochrome products and matching service.
Social Responsibility
As an organization, we make a commitment to behave ethically and contribute to economic development while improving the quality of life of our workforce and their families as well as the local community at large.
At Zimasco (Private) Limited skills development for both the organization and the country at large is taken seriously. In this regard, the organization offers learnership programmes for various levels of school and university graduates. Structured 2 year graduate development programmes, 4 year Apprenticeship programmes and Technical development courses are available at Zimasco.